NAKANO Sustainability Action Plan

NAKANO Sustainability Action Plan

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Environmental load reduction

Containers and packaging initiatives

NAKANO aims to use environmentally friendly materials for the containers and packaging of cosmetics and quasi-drug products.

Cosmetic boxes and shipping cardboard cases changed to Certified eco-friendly paper certified paper

We are making efforts to increase the usage rate of Certified eco-friendly paper certified paper in all paper used for cosmetic boxes, cardboard boxes, pamphlets, etc. of NAKANO products. As of the end of 2020, 90% of cosmetic boxes and 60% of shipping cases use Certified eco-friendly paper certified paper.

Use of recycled materials

NIn addition to Certified eco-friendly paper, recycled paper is also used for the cosmetic boxes of NAKANO products, and as of the end of 2020, 40% of cosmetic boxes use recycled paper.

Reduction of plastic used in containers and packaging

As part of our efforts to build a sustainable business that is friendly to the global environment, we aim to reduce the use of disposable plastics and recommend refillable products.

Efforts to reduce environmental impact on raw resin usage

We aim to use plant-derived bioplastic containers and resins containing recycled pellets that use sustainable raw materials instead of petroleum for containers and packaging. In addition, by adopting a container that uses green nano, which can reduce CO₂ emissions during combustion, it is possible to reduce the environmental burden and facilitate more suitable incineration after the container is used.

Reduction of the accompanying package insert

Product explanations and usage instructions are printed directly on the inside of cosmetic boxes of some products. We would like to increase the number of products that do not include package inserts.

Change retail sales bags to paper bags

As part of our efforts to build a sustainable business that is friendly to the global environment, we have abolished plastic bags for retail sales and replaced them with environmentally friendly paper products that use Certified eco-friendly paper and biomass ink with the aim of reducing our overall use of disposable plastics.

Use of environmentally friendly ink for pamphlets

Biomass ink and vegetable ink are used for promotional materials such as pamphlets.

Production initiatives

NAKANO's production activities have been established to be of benefit to the global environment, and we believe that it is an important responsibility to give due consideration to the impact of production activities on nature. Our efforts toward realizing a sustainable "low-carbon society" and "recycling-oriented society" represents our message to the future global environment.

Realization of a low-carbon society

Global warming countermeasures by reducing CO₂ emissions are indispensable for the realization of a sustainable global environment. At NAKANO, we have promoted upgrading to high-efficiency equipment with reduced energy loss, and have promoted the reduction of energy consumption through demand management systems and energy-saving activities, including switching to LED lighting from an early stage. For the future, we have set a long-term goal of reducing CO₂ emissions by 15% by 2030, and will promote further reduction activities.

Recycling-oriented society Conservation of water resources

Water is an indispensable and valuable resource for both people and various industries throughout the world. NAKANO uses a lot of water for cleaning and cooling in the production process, which is essential for producing hair care products. Until now, we have endeavored to reduce wastewater by recycling wastewater and implementing measures to reduce cleaning water. Recognizing that water is a limited resource, we have set a long-term goal of reducing wastewater by 15% by 2030, and will promote further reduction activities.

Recycling-oriented society Resource protection

We believe that it is important to control the waste generated from production activities in order to effectively utilize limited global resources, and realize a recycling-oriented society. At NAKANO, we have been working to reduce the generation of waste by improving production yields and thorough sorting.For the future, we have set a long-term goal of reducing final waste product by 25% by 2030, and aim to realize a sustainable society by contributing to global environmental conservation.

Active use of environment-friendly vehicles

NAKANO has traditionally used environment-friendly hybrid vehicles for company transport. In the future, ahead of the accelerating movement of "gasoline-free vehicles," we will introduce EV vehicles (Electric Vehicles), or those of similar performance, to further reduce the environmental burden of our corporate activities.

Creation of value for society

Development of social products

  • ● We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and strengthen our efforts to resolve social issues.
  • ● We will continue to provide company-wide education for deeper understanding of social issues.

Implement support through supplying
beauty products and hygiene products

  • ● We will work on speedy support for disaster-stricken areas and victims.
    • ・Supply dry shampoo
    • ・Distribution of masks to medical institutions
    • ・Providing alcohol to salons, etc.

Educational institutions × NAKANO

Collaborate with educational institutions to
create value based on new knowledge

  • ● We will continue to implement industry-academia collaboration efforts.
    • ・Joint research with Kansai University
    • ・Joint product / service development with students of Sanno University
    • ・Accepting corporate visits by MBA students from Appalachian State University in the United States, etc.

To deliver products that are trusted by our customers

NAKANO quality policy

Since its founding, NAKANO has been pursuing the creation of products that are trusted by customers by thoroughly controlling the quality of raw materials from procurement to manufacturing in order to produce the best quality cosmetics with the message that “We don’t sell frivolous products with the equivalent of water".

Work together with customers

We have hairdressers and customers actually use the samples, and based on the results, we make further improvements to improve the completeness of the product. In addition, even after the product is launched, we have initiatives in place to improve product quality from customer feedback.

Prescription development that complies with NAKANO’s original quality standards

We repeatedly carry out our own performance evaluation tests, stability tests, safety tests, and antiseptic/preservation tests that we have developed over many years of experience to deliver products that our customers trust.

Deliver accurate information and build relationships with customers

We strive to build a relationship of trust with our customers by delivering accurate information, which includes how to use our products.In addition, we have established an in-company system that can respond quickly to complaints and inquiries from customers.

Compliance with laws and regulations

We comply with the laws and regulations of product manufacturing and services, and deliver products that are trusted by our customers.

Follow and maintain a quality assurance system in manufacturing

With a total quality assurance system from receiving raw materials to blending, filling, packaging, and shipping, we provide stable products that are trusted by our customers.

Adoption of universal design

We aim to create an environment, products, and services that can be used by as many people as possible regardless of differences in culture, language, nationality, age, gender, and ability.

Responsible raw material procurement

Procurement activities in collaboration
with suppliers

Thinking long-term, in order to dependably deliver safe, secure and reliable products to our customers, we believe that it is essential to form a relationship of trust with suppliers. NAKANO promotes sustainable procurement of raw materials by coordinating with suppliers who share their values as "partner companies" based on the action guideline of "Let's think customer-centered at all times".

Basic Procurement Policy

We are promoting procurement activities based on the following basic policy.

  • 1. Prosperous coexistence

    By building long-term relationships of trust with our suppliers, we aim for coexistence and co-prosperity, as well as evolution and development.

  • 2. Fair・Impartial

    We provide a wide range of new entry opportunities to our suppliers, and take into consideration quality / cost / delivery time, stable supply, technical capabilities, management stability, etc., and always carry out fair and impartial procurement activities.

  • 3. Compliance with laws and social norms

    We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and act with high ethical standards within standard social conventions.

  • 4. Information security maintenance

    We will ensure that confidential information and customer information obtained in procurement activities are managed responsibly.

  • 5. Prohibition of receiving private gain

    We prohibit procurement personnel from receiving inappropriate personal benefits (including entertainment and gifts) from suppliers.

We are implementing the following initiatives to promote procurement that takes the international community and the global environment into consideration so that we can permanently provide products that our customers can use with peace of mind.

Implement information exchange meetings

Aiming for mutual development, we hold regular interviews (information exchange meetings) with suppliers of raw materials, container packaging materials, and production contractors. By exchanging information on supply such as quality and delivery date, as well as industry information corresponding to environmental issues and social conditions, we can stabilize quality and jointly develop sustainable raw materials in line with the times.

Procurement staff training

Procurement staff understand basic procurement policy through in-house training, and comply with laws and guidelines regarding commercial transactions by taking training in Subcontracting Law. We also carry out responsible procurement activities from a global perspective, aiming for a sustainable society.
* Subcontracting Law: Law for fair transactions and protection of business interests

Establish/maintain contracts with suppliers

For potential new business, we will request an investigative report by an external research company and confirm that it conforms to our basic procurement policy before going ahead with the deal.

Industry digitization

Promote digitalization for the beauty industry

The digitization of Japan lags behind that of other countries, and it can be said that DX (digital transformation) of Japanese companies requires urgent attention, such as the establishment of a digital agency by the government. The beauty industry is no exception, and there is great potential to utilize digital technology in areas such as the way hairdressers work, supply chain optimization, work efficiency, and improved customer experiences. It can be said that digitization is indispensable to achieve a more sustainable industry.

Build a new support system utilizing digital technology

We will enhance digital content such as LIVE and on-demand seminars, and provide an educational support system suitable for the ‘new normal’ era, regardless of time or place. We will strive to improve the quality of communication with salons by utilizing LINEWORKS (a digital communication tool). Through our official LINE account, we will promptly deliver the latest industry information, product information, and other useful information to salons.

Increase business efficiency through digitalization

We will digitize the exchange of all business documents such as invoices, delivery notes, and contracts, and build a win-win relationship that will lead to operational efficiency for our business partners.

Create a new type of value for customers using digital technology

We will create new customer experiences, such as EC, together with salons and promote DX (digital transformation) in the beauty industry.

Improvement of employee IT literacy

We will strive to develop digitally competent personnel through in-house training on IT literacy and digital marketing, and build an organization that can make digital proposals to salons.

Promotion of job satisfaction reform

Continuous improvement of employee engagement /
Promotion of diversity

Revitalization from the bottom up

We will create opportunities for various proposals to be made.

Implementation of "Challenge Award System"

Our definition of a challenge = an action to be implemented. With business improvement in mind, the details of employee-led challenges are announced, and the [challenge] objectives are commended at the end of the fiscal year, and shared with all employees. By creating an environment in which the challenge itself is evaluated, regardless of the result, we aim to "build a corporate culture where suggestions can be made easily" and also lead to the development of people who can easily take on new challenges.

Creation of "Waku Doki" space to encourage inspirational and exciting new ideas

We have set up a space on our internal network where “inspirational and exciting" work-related thoughts and ideas can be freely shared. By doing this, we are striving to generate even more ideas and improve communication by sharing successful cases and new approaches with all employees.

Implementation of "Thanks Card" initiative

We have created an environment where all employees can send message cards (communication tools that "visualize" gratitude in card form), which activates communication between individuals and departments. It is very important for employees to honestly communicate their feelings of "praise" and "gratitude", and we are working to foster this kind of culture.

Career development support

Implementation of position and age-specific education and training, taking into consideration the employment journey
→ We will design training content according to career.
→ We will create a learning environment that suits each employee's style.

Promotion of work-life balance

Creation of a system that allows employees to work flexibly and with high productivity according to their life stages
→Looking ahead to an ultra-low birthrate and aging society, we will consider a system that suits individual work styles.
Introduction of flextime system
Annual paid leave "hourly paid leave system"
Introduction of reduced working hours system (for childcare, aged care)
7 hours working hours per day (9: 00 ~ 17: 00)

Implementation of "3R Project"
Evaluating our 60th anniversary milestone as the "third founding", the project’s purpose is to create a spark for building a company where employees feel long-term working motivation.
Project period
July 2015-March 2020
9 Challenges (Specific Measures)
1. Brand image survey
2. In-house questionnaire
3. Future-themed meeting
4. Review of distribution policy
5. Shinjuku Studio renovation
6. Fukuoka Office opening
7. Improvement of product design
8. Challenge system, etc.
Evaluation improvement from stakeholders (customers, society, employees)
Implementation of "4R Young Member Reform Project"
After completion of the 3R project, we started the "4R Young Member Reform Project“ by adding "Result" to 3R (Revolution, Resolution, Reborn), with the aim of further evolving the efforts of the 3R project. In the 4R Young Member Reform Project, we are searching for new types of value to be a company that is chosen over others, taking leadership of our actions to produce results.
Project period
April 2020 ~

Strengthening of health management

Improve energy levels and productivity
by improving employee health /
Improve corporate value

Efforts for continued achievement of “Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization" certification criteria

Understand employee health issues and promote countermeasures

We will expand the range of annual health checks.

Promote efforts to improve the physical and mental health of employees

・Continuation of non-smoking efforts
1992 Started smoking cessation activities to improve employee health
2004 Setting of "non-smoking allowance"
2007 "Achieved 100% non-smoking rate for all employees“ "Implementation of non-smoking petition drive"
2009 Received "Kyoto Prefecture Workplace Health Promotion Award"

・Use of balance balls in the office
As part of our health promotion activities, we have introduced "balance balls" as a substitute for chairs used at each business site. We are encouraging improvement in muscle strength of the back and stomach, with additional training benefits in balance.

・Implement exercise classes

・Implement awareness-raising activities to encourage the use of paid leave

・Everyday No Elevator Day setting

Strengthening of governance

Aim for flexible management in response
to changes in circumstance to achieve
sustainable growth and increase corporate value

Construction of a crisis management system

BCP (Business Continuity Plan) introduced

Development of compliance system

・Prompt response to changes in laws and regulations
・In-house training on laws and regulations

Strengthening information security management

・Countermeasures for external threats
・Construction of an optimal data management environment